
Blackberry pie

As promised a fortnight or so ago: a seasonal recipe for blackberry pie. I hadn’t forgotten my promise, it’s just that as soon as I make this pie it vanishes, hence taking a photograph proved problematic (as you can see a chunk has already been carved out)...

This is essentially a ‘root-around’ the cupboard recipe. You can use almonds, pistachios or macadamia nuts in the base depending on preference. Equally, the mesquite, cacao and carob combination can be altered to taste, and sultanas and raisins can be used instead of currants. The filling is culled from the Cafe Gratitude coconut cream pie recipe, substituting blackberry juice for coconut milk. To make the blackberry juice pulverise 1lb of blackberries in the Vitamix and then use a sieve to obtain the juice.

Base: ¾ C cashews, ½ C currants, ¾ C buckwheaties (i.e. soaked, sprouted and dehydrated buckwheat), 2T coconut oil, 1T mesquite, 1T cacao powder, 2T carob and a good squeezing of lemon.

Process in a food processor (rather than a Vitamix) until slightly sticking together (I find it best to process everything except the coconut oil and then add that last). Press down firmly into a 7-inch pan (lightly greased with coconut butter).

Filling: 1½ C blackberry juice, ¾ C of coconut meat, 4 medjool dates (take out the stones!), the scrapings of a vanilla pod, 3T lecithin and ½ C of coconut butter.

Process everything in the Vitamix apart from the last two ingredients. Once everything is pretty much smooth add the lecithin and coconut butter and blend again. Pour the filling on top of the base and put in the fridge to set. Decorate with blackberries or whatever else in the way of fresh fruit is to hand.


Neeta said...

Fleur, that looks absolutely yumptious!! pity I just started a liquid feast yesterday, so will have to wait to make this treat - or maybe I can find a way to drink it as a smoothie instead? ;-)

Solar Oven said...

Hi Neeta, have you tried blackberry juice and hemp milk? It's seriously yum - or is it too rich for your fast? Fxx

Neeta said...

I have some blackberries, blueberries and raspberries in the fridge - also a bag of hemp seeds lying around somewhere and can you believe I have never made hemp milk yet!!! Time to remedy that and berry hemp milk shake sounds perfect, thanks Fleur :-)
Make a great change from only green juices and green smoothies, yay!!!

Solar Oven said...

Green is great, but berry colours rule right now. Have a great fasting w/end!