
Run and Become

There are many raw transformation stories out there, but Matt’s is a particular favourite of mine. His story and site so inspired me that last year (or was it the year before?) I went out and bought some running shoes and socks. I had flexibility and strength but cardiovascular fitness was my weak point in the sports triad. Instead of ignoring this I faced it head on. I’d never thought of myself as a runner, but if the raw vegan diet is life-changing then running is too. Even with the smallest of baby steps I have ‘run and become’ someone else entirely.


Linda Salas said...

I love jogging and wish I did it more, I should be doing it a lot. My naturist doctor has prescribed it and is right!

I hadn´t seen Matt´s blog before thanks for the link, quite amazing!

Solar Oven said...

Thanks for the comment Linda. You are right about Matt's blog - quite amazing!